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Saturday, March 30, 2013




Part-Time MediaCorp Channel 8 Artiste
  • Creative Ria 1999,2000
  • Anugerah (Kreatif category) 2000
  • Anugerah 2003/2004
  • Singapore Idol 2
  • StarHub Mobile for Singapore Idol 2005 (Freelance Advertisement Model)
SuriaChannel :
2004 : Hanyut Ep 10 (Hanyut Dikaburi Kebendaan)
2007 : Variety TalkShow - Cakap Sini Habis Sini (Guest Singer Artiste)
2008 :
  • Cucuku Sayang (Season 2)
  • Cukup Tak Cukup (info-ed)
  • Almari Ajaib ( The Magic Wardrobe - Epi 12: Pak Pandir )
  • Hari Raya TeleMovie - Syawal Kembali Lagi

    2009 :

    Cuckuku Sayang 2 (Drama – Supporting Actress: Jan 2009 – Feb 2009)

    Erlin Montel (Drama – July 2009)

    Mahligai Kaca Epi 1

    2010 :
    Project Cerpen - Gelora Jiwa
    2011 :
    Gerimis Di Hati 2
    Ummi 2 (Teacher)
    2012 :
    Pinggiran Ramadan 2
    Nama Saya Kassim Selamat (Children’s drama)

    Papa Kool (Jangan Bohong) - Teacher

    2014 :
    Tak2ut (Tak Takut) - Episode 3 Orang Minyak
    Golden Oaks (Episode )
    2015 : Bongkar Season 2 - Episode 3 (Media Sosial)
MediaWorks Channel U:
2003 : The Power of Love

MediaCorp Channel 8:
2003 :

  • Room in my heart
  • Unbeatables 2
2004 :
  • Double Happiness 1
  • Double Happiness 2
2005 :
  • Hero to Zero
  • A Child's hope [NKF] episode 10
  • Love Conceirge Episode 19
  • Women of Times
  • Making Miracles
  • Like Daughter Like Father

    Lost & Found 


    2012: Nijanggal

    TV3 (Malaysian Channel):
     ·         Tari Tirana (Malaysian TV3 Malay Channel – Drama debuts on Aug 2009)
2003 : My Fair Singaporean Lady (Broadway Singer/Actress)
2005 : Gig Singer for Band (Salt Factory Repertoire)
_____________Performance Background : __________

Solo Performances
Group Dances
Wedding DJs

Singing / Hosting for various functions :
Birthday / Anniversary / Celebration Parties
VIP functions
Corporate Events
RC Functions
CC Functions
National Day Events
Teachers' Day Events in schools
Festive events : Hari Raya, CNY, Deepavali, Xmas...
Charity Shows
Variety Shows
Dinner & Dance Performance Show

IRCC Family Day 2010 (6 Feb) @Singapore Zoo
Roadshows :-
Sep 2010 : Harvey Norman TV & Mattress Roadshow@ Suntec Tower 4
Nov 2009-Mid 2010 : StarHub Prepaid Mobile Roadshow
Special Roadshow with Ungu Band (April 2010)
2011 : StarHub “The 1 minute family shopping challenge” @Prime Supermarket - Gek Poh Shopping Centre
March 2013 till Current year 2015: Monthly/Seasonal StarHub Prepaid Roadshow @City Plaza

Gig Singer (Bands):
Salt Factory Repetoire, D’Cabana Band, Silksutra , Brain Jamm

Backup Recording Singer :
Fuad Rahman’s song debut (2nd Album) - Jeritan Batinku
Own Demos (2002, 2010, 2011)



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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wedding Facts - Fakta Perkahwinan (in malay language)

i got something to share on this issue masakini...
hot on emails to share stuff here to all bloggers

Anyway.... juz sharing.... There is this one incident which led to a POLICE CASE....
KURANG AJAR ABES pasal hantaran TINGGI2.

Mak (Side Minah): Yerlah... anak saya blajar lulus universiti. Tak nak bilang brape tapi biarlah patut-patut.. Selalunya yang belajar tinggi dalam lingkungan 10 Ribu...tapi ini lah satu satunya anak pompan saya...harap harap paham jerlah

Mak (side Mat): Saya paham maksud awak... tapi saya harap awak pun paham lahyer...
kalau terlampau tinggi harus ditangguhkan nanti... biarlah dicepatkan,biar jauh dari maksiat.

Mak (side Minah): Kalau awak tak mampu... Anak saya nie bukan tak laku...ada banyak lagi yang tunggu.... dah lah harga rendah.... nak cepat pulaktuh... apa nanti orang cakap.

Mat : Yerlah makcik... Makcik nie jual anak ke kereta? Takda macam gini....
SEKARANG jugak saya DOWN 2 Ribu... Saya bawak balik anak makcik....
Malam nie saya TEST DRIVE DULU SEMUA.... kalau dalam semua BAIK....
Jangan cakap 10 RIbu 12 Ribu pun saya letak...
tapi kalau dah LEMAU, ENJIN PUN TAK BAGUS tuh anak makcik DENGAN DEPOSIT DEPOSIT semua MAKCIK boleh simpan!!

**Someone witness & It did happen....
Sounds funny but if u reconfirm lost kejap....
what happens next was an UGLY scene....
bertikam lidah sampai 3 mat bengap, pakai pick-cap dtg step hero.
Tu pon kena maki dgn 'mak side minah'.

## Ihsan: sesungguhnya zaman dah berubah, tiada lg manusia kenal erti ijabkabul, yg diparaktikkan adalah martabat, pangkat dan darjat. Benarwalaupun disekolahkan hingga menjadi seseorang yg berjaya, namun merekalupa akan amanah yg dijanjikan sblm dikurniakan anak itu. Subhanallah.

P.S: kalau your parents ada plan buat ni mcm, suggest to them to advert via 'ClassiFied Ads'. Insyallah ada yg mampu & sudi 'melanggani' iklan anda.

Orait pips.. more to read, a less serious matter aite?

Aku ni actually ghairah pat members² aku start plan kawin. Bukan jealous cuma tumpang gembira jer. Heehee. So aderla satu hari tu, members aku satu ni tepon nak jemput aku ke majlis dia... Aku pon tanya ler.. 'Amacam geng, semua dah siap?
'Dia cakap 'Parah beb, gua kayap siak ni bulan... 20 ribu dah abis siol..' HAAA?!? 20 RIBU?!?! Mak oi.. Hidop pat singapore nie memang ler mahal and kekadang tu pasangan tak jadi kahwin pasal duit tak cukop atau pon duit yang ade tu diorang tak bleh agree nak digunakan untuk apa.Maknernyer, diorang plan nak buat majlis kan, abih tak boleh agree witheach other, so they bergaduh & bertekak & salahkan mak bapak each other& end up, tak jadi kahwin....

Al kisahhh...Tapi kan, aku heran tau.. pasangan sekarang lebih stress memikirkan majlis ini daripader memikirkan maser depan dan hala tujuan hidup bersamerselepas nikah. Heran eh?? Diorang ingat lepas kawin life stops there ke??Hmm.. ok, that's a different story..

So getting back pasal duit nie kan, tak ikut market price nanti orang kata kedekut lah,
sengkek lah, tak mampu jangan ada hati nak kahwin lah, akakkau peh laki la, mak ensem bapak jambu la, hai... macam-macam story lagi.

Biasanya kan, yang letak harga ialah mak sebelah pompan. Bapak confirm mesti orait.. ikutkan aje. Kadang2 ada jugak pompan sendiri yang letakharga, lepas tu pakat dengan mak, revenue sharing 50/50.Hurhurhur basketball btoll...

  • Mengikut survey kedai kopi pat Jurong West St 42,
    sekarang hantaran paling minimum ialah SGD$7000. Maximum sampai $25,000 pon ade.

  • Kalau kedai kopi Marsiling lak
    SGD$5000 + rokok kretek 30carton. Dasyat beb.. Dah lah Singapore ni mahal giler.. Macam mane couple tak bertekak.. Nak tahuapasal mahal?

  • Mengikut Survey Kedai Gunting Teban Gardens,
    Antara punca hantaran sekarang makin mahal;

    1. Anak pompan sorang
    2. Anak pompan sekolah tinggi sampai tingkat 20
    3. Anak pompan paling jambu dalam family
    4. Anak pompan kerja lawyer/doctor/CEO
    5. Anak pompan biasa pakai barang branded
    6. Anak pompan yang pandai masak, kemas rumah, layan suami sampai suami takmo gi kerja
    7. Kakak belum kahwin; jadi kena sponsor kakak kawin jugak.. nanti lemau..
    8. Anak pompan tu banyak yang melamar, semuanya hensem brylcream + kaya

  • Mengikut survey Kedai Basikal Chai Chee,
    selalunya jawapan yang diberioleh pihak lelaki kalau hantaran melampau sangat ialah;
    1. Bapak Rock : 'Lu giler ka pa beb?'
    2. Bapak Mithali : 'Astarghfirullah..'
    3. Bapak Bintang TV : 'TTIIDDDAAAAKKKKKK!!!!!!'
    4. Bapak Gangster/Tailong : 'Masih 'virgin' ke tak ni lu peh girl,ada diamond ka pa?
    5. Bapak Bisnesman : 'We're sorry but d returns of our investment is definitely less than 20%
    6. Bapak Lembik - 'mahal la.. macam mane nie daling?' sambil membisik pat Isterinya
    7. Bapak Garang - 'APAAAA?!?! AAPPAAAAAA??!! CUBA KAU CAKAP LAGISEKALI!!!??'
    8. Bapak Gerek - 'HAHAHA! Lupakan sudah... Takpe Roy, nanti bapak recommend yang lebih power dari Ashwarya Rai eh?'
  • Mengikut survey Warung Nasi Lemak Bussorah Street,
    kata² dari sebelah pompan yang lelaki ingin sangat nak dengar ialah;

    1. 'Ikut suka hatilah. Berapa yang lelaki kasi; kita ambik je.Makcik ngan pakcik kau nie tak cerewet.'
    2. 'Takpelah. Kalau tak boleh adakan sekarang; kahwin dulu. Lepas tu bayar pelan-pelan cara instalment.'
    3. 'Jangan bimbang. Korang cuma adakan hantaran je. Duit majlis semua kita sponsor.'
    4. 'Pasal makcik kau ngan pakcik kau nie suka sangat kat kau, kita ikhlas...'
    5. 'Berapa korang nak kasi, kasilah. Nak ambik free pun takpe. Anak pompan kita ramai lagi. Ada kawan, rekemen arh skali'

  • Mengikut survey Mat Despatch Gathering @ Waterloo St,
    kalau kena pulak family lelaki yang loaded makan tak abis punya; jawapannya :-

    1. 'Okay setuju. Kita up lagi $10,000. Ditanggung beresss.'
    2. 'Ehh sikit nah! Camni tak nak lah. Malu la kawin hantaran $10,000. KamiOKB tau!'
    3. 'Brape? Gitu je?'
    4. 'Dahling, amikkan chek book abang tu..
    5. 'Sebagai hadiah upacara masuk minang ni; kita ada siapkan kereta 5bijik. Tu anak bujang kita tengah parking semua kat bawah tu.'
    6. 'Sebagai hadiah upacara masuk minang ni; kita ada siapkan kereta 5bijik, 3 bijik TV LCD 50 inci, 2 tiket penerbangan ke...'

    Haa... tu lah beberapa karenah orang melayu kita ni. Hati dah suka punya pasal, semua boleh aje. Cukup time tak larat nak naik pelamin pasal kerjatiga empat macam untuk kumpul duit. Ada pulak tu.. yg terpaksa amikpersonal loan la, 0% installment Bank la, atau pakai credit card.Honeymoon pon utang.. Lepas kawin, dah balik dari honeymoon, kepala terossewel, pikir nak bayar hutang and at the end of it, tak tercapai lahmaksud perkahwinan yg sepatutnya semakin memudahkan kehidupan.. dahterbalik.. jadi semakin susah.So amacam geng, dah ready nak kawin?

** Ihsan: If you follow the greater majority on earth they would lead you astray. They follow nothing but the conjectures of others and mislead those who follow them. Your Lord knows best who stray from the path of Truth; He knows best who are rightly guided.

-Qur'an, Al-An'am, Surah 6:117-18

Saturday, December 13, 2008

My Tribute Thanks to all involved in CUCUKU SAYANG 2 filming


Catch the New Season Drama
on Suria Channel
"Cucuku Sayang" Season 2
Every Wednesday Nights, 9.30pm
Season starts officially on
24th December 2008 - 11 February 2009

Thanks to u people! U r fun indeed to work together!

-The ScreenBox Production Team-

Siti Nuraishah (My Asst.Producer with the cutest voice),
Nurul Emelda (My another fun Asst.Producer)
Ida (Fatimah Mohsin Make-up Artist)
Khairuddin Samsuddin (BangKai,My Producer yg dgn gila2 nyer..hehe)

-Production Crews-
Jay (alamak...4 get..heheh)
Andrew (The Lighting Man)
Hussein Ismail (The Soundman)
Lenny (The Cameraman)
...forget the other name ..hehehe

Kak Seri Wahyuni (My Ma'am very fierce & Talented Scriptwriter,Lina)
Nurul Fuziana (Humairah)
Nik Mikhail
Cik Norsiah Hamid (Nek Esah)
Cik Khalid (Tok Ali)
Nadia Nur Diyanah (Nadia)
Mohd Hasif (Aiman)
Kak Mastura Ahmad (Nurul)
Abg Zaidi Ibrahim
Fezra (CB..heheh ooops)
Kak Atika
Siti Hawa (4"taking Over" me to be in my place as a maid while me kena buang pasal BF Bangla)

& Thanks Abg "Adi Mesti Jadi" 4 d Makan Treat & the House!

**alamak..if got any names leftout just add in 4 me..heheh

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Drinking the right Tea

Are you drinking the right tea?
1. People who use their 'brain' to work or students who study hard day and night.
--- should drink more Chrysanthemum Tea.
2. People who need a lot of body energy to work or those people that do a lot of exercise everyday
--- should drink Wu Loong Tea.
3. People who travel on a bike or work in dirty and polluted places
--- should drink Green Tea.
4. For people who likes to sit down all day long and not doing anything even exercising
--- must drink Green Tea and Flower Tea.

5. People who smoke and drink a lot of alcoholic drinks
--- should drink more Green Tea.

6. Carnivore (those people who must eat meat) at least once a day, or feel sick or not feeling well --- try to drink some Wu Loong Tea.

7. People who go to the washroom too often or too less
--- should drink more Honey Tea.

8. People with high cholesterol and high blood pressure
--- Wu Loong Tea, Green Tea.

9. Those who work with computers everyday
--- need to drink a Lot of Tea (any tea will do).
Whenever you are working with the computer, you should make some tea;
drink it when you are free.
Drinking Tea is healthy - it can protect and prevent the harmful Ultraviolet light from harming us (when using computer).
Furthermore, it can also cure us when we are tired and help making our body feel fresh again.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


 Just to share with bloggers out there...
Having problems on these..but mine is not as bad cos I'm not Hot-tempered but I'm short-tempered. So I think I can cause I used 2b worse when I was a teenager.

If you find that your angry outbursts are negatively affecting your relationships with family, friends, co-workers and even complete strangers, it's probably time to change the way you express your anger.

Here are some tips to get your anger under control:

  • Take a "time out." Count to 10 before reacting or leave the situation altogether.
  • Do something physically exerting. Physical activity can provide an outlet for your emotions, especially if you're about to erupt. Go for a walk or a run, swim, lift weights or shoot baskets, for example.
  • Find ways to calm and soothe yourself. Practice deep-breathing exercises, visualize a relaxing scene, or repeat a calming word or phrase to yourself, such as "take it easy." You can also listen to music, paint, journal or do yoga.
  • Express your anger as soon as possible so that you aren't left stewing. If you can't express your anger in a controlled manner to the person who angered you, try talking to a family member, friend, counselor or another trusted person.
  • Think carefully before you say anything so that you don't end up saying something you'll regret.
  • Work with the person who angered you to identify solutions to the situation.
  • Use "I" statements when describing the problem to avoid criticizing or placing blame. For instance, say "I'm upset you didn't help with the housework this evening," instead of, "You should have helped with the housework." To do otherwise will likely upset the other person and escalate tensions.
  • Don't hold a grudge. Forgive the other person. It's unrealistic to expect everyone to behave exactly as you want.
  • Use humor to defuse your anger, such as imagining yourself or the other person in silly situations. Don't use sarcasm, though — it's just another form of unhealthy expression.(Dat's what I do at times)

  • Keep an anger log to identify the kinds of situations that set you off and to monitor your reactions.
You can practice many of these strategies on your own.
But if your anger seems out of control, is hurting your relationships or has escalated into violence, you may benefit from seeing a psychotherapist or an anger management professional. Role playing in controlled situations, such as anger management classes, can help you practice your techniques.

when u r angry + sad= negative thinking

do u know U'll look very ugly/unpleasant when u r angry ?

Tips to control your anger:
1. Calm down
2. Ease & relax your mind
3. Take a breath
4. Think rationally

adapt from MediaCorp Suria channel TV Programme :EQ


One of the biggest obstacles to personal and career success is anger.

When we fail to control our anger, we suffer several blows:

  1. Anger impedes our ability to be happy, because anger and happiness are incompatible.
  2. Anger sends marriages and other family relationships off-course.
  3. Anger reduces our social skills, compromising other relationships, too.
  4. Anger means lost business, because it destroys relationships.
  5. Anger also means losing business that you could have won in a more gracious mood.
  6. Anger leads to increased stress (ironic, since stress often increases anger).

    * We make mistakes when we are angry, because anger makes it harder to process information.
People are beginning to wake up to the dangers of anger and the need for anger management skills and strategies.

Many people find anger easy to control. Yes, they do get angry. Everybody does. But some people find anger easier to manage than others. More people need to develop anger management skills.
For those who have a tough time controlling their anger, an anger management plan might help. Think of this as your emotional control class, and try these self-help anger management tips:

ANGER MANAGEMENT TIP #1Ask yourself this question: "Will the object of my anger matter ten years from now?" Chances are, you will see things from a calmer perspective.

Ask yourself: "What is the worst consequence of the object of my anger?" If someone cut in front of you at the book store check-out, you will probably find that three minutes is not such a big deal.

Imagine yourself doing the same thing. Come on, admit that you sometimes cut in front of another driver, too ... sometimes by accident. Do you get angry at yourself?

Ask yourself this question: "Did that person do this to me on purpose?" In many cases, you will see that they were just careless or in a rush, and really did not mean you any harm.
Try counting to ten before saying anything. This may not address the anger directly, but it can minimize the damage you will do while angry.
ANGER MANAGEMENT TIP #6Try some "new and improved" variations of counting to ten. For instance, try counting to ten with a deep slow breathe in between each number. Deep breathing -- from your diaphragm -- helps people relax.

Or try pacing your numbers as you count. The old "one-steamboat-two-steamboat, etc." trick seems kind of lame to me. Steamboats are not the best devices to reduce your steam. How about "One-chocolate-ice-cream-two-chocolate-ice-cream", or use something else that you find either pleasant or humorous.
Visualize a relaxing experience. Close your eyes, and travel there in your mind. Make it your stress-free oasis.

"If ever u r angry towards some other people, U've learned not to just utter bad words but rather U write on a journal all what U could have said to somebody and after going through it again and again U sort of get relieved and forgive and forget what the other person did to u. That has saved u a lot."

**ps: me gonna try these tips

Anyone has your point of views,comments & tips to share, u r welcome to leave your comments here..

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Hari Raya Show 2008

Event : Hepi-Hepi Di hari raya
Location : Toa Payoh South CC
Date : 18 Oct 08 (Saturday)
Time : 730pm-1030pm

I'll be singing & co-host with my partner on this hari raya show..
Lucky draw,games, entertainment,dinner

***Credits Thanks to :

  • Toa Payoh South CC MAEC for inviting me as a guest artiste to host & sing for the crowd audiece on the hari raya!
  • Siti Zahirah (Ira Milkshake), Mr Kassim, Mr Ahmad, DJ & much to mention....etc...for putting the trust to run the show.I've done my best for u people!
  • Last for not least, friendsters who r really keen interested to come down. Thks 4 buying the tix!
  • Not forgetting my mom, my step father for attending my show.

Friday, October 10, 2008


 Helzie as Salem (d Pak Pandir-Almari Ajaib actor)
& the agency boss for match making (Agensi Cari Jodoh)..alamak 4get his name la

2 actor & actress playing a role of minah (ugly betty la konon gitu la) & mat selenger yg action hensem,,,hahaha no offense eh bro..dalam cerita je...heheh) &  both in orange & purple tops are Abg Johari Aziz (Producer) & Shahida (Asst Producer)..

Credit Thanks to : Abg Johari Aziz (for letting me n giving the chance to explore my talents on TV Suria) & Shahida...without ur call...I'm not in!

"Cukup Tak Cukup" (Enough or not enough) - A MCYS Forum info-ed with VT.
On Air on Suria Channel..
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
8.30pm - 9.30pm
PS: I'm featuring in the VT Scenes : Match-making Agency as Rita (The Ugly "Betty")
So here's some shots with my producers,Asst Producers & the actors featuring in the drama

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Catch me on Suria Channel!

Hey Fans!

A Come Back on the Screen!
Not a Channel 8 but Suria Channel! Spot me if u can!
To friends & my fans who been longing & miss to see me on screen..yea..its showtime!

TV Programme : Syawal kembali Lagi(Hari Raya Telemovie)
Date: 2 Oct 08 (Thursday)
ShowTime : 8.30pm

TV Programme : Almari Ajaib (The Magical Wardrobe)
Date : 6 Oct 08 (Monday)
ShowTime: 7pm -7.30pm

Today is..

Her Bio-Profile

My photo
Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Freelance Entertainer/Part-time MediaCorp Actress: Managing my own talent production as a Singer-Dancer-Host Part-Time Actress Talent Management Event Planner (for portfolio-pls refer under labels)

Juwita sang "dingin" 2-in-1 CraZy GILa cum serious KaraOke

Alicia Kunci Keys a crazy woman name Juwita

Juwita's Past Shows on TV

Almari Ajaib :Pak Pandir Sywal Kembali Lagi Snipshots Cakap Sini Habis Sini Womens of times (snipshots)

Juwita's Wedding Song Dedication

*More Videos@ last bottom of the sites page